sphero sprk app
sphero sprk app


Sphero Play Device Compatibility

TheSpheroPlayappworkswithmanyiOSandAndroidmobiledevicesusingBluetoothLowEnergy(BLE4.0).Specificoperatingsystemsanddevicerequirements ...

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Download Sphero App

Free Coding Apps. Sphero makes coding apps to complement Sphero robots and Design-and-Build STEAM Kits for kids of all skill levels.

Sphero Edu

Sphero Edu 是您與Sphero 機器人一起建立、分享和學習的中心。除了使用程式碼,您還可以透過獨特的STEAM 活動完成機器人的各項設定。 Sphero Edu 是為各種不同程度的 ...

Sphero Edu on the App Store

Sphero Edu is your hub to create, contribute, and learn with Sphero robots. Go beyond code by incorporating unique STEAM lessons to complete with your bot.

Sphero Play

還意猶未盡嗎?這個應用程式的目的就是要讓您欲罷不能。 透過單一應用程式來操控Sphero Mini、Sphero 2.0、SPRK、SPRK+ 和BOLT 以及玩遊戲。 使用多種刺激有趣的操控 ...

Sphero Play Device Compatibility

The Sphero Play app works with many iOS and Android mobile devices using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0). Specific operating systems and device requirements ...

Sphero Play on the App Store

Drive and play games from ONE app with your Sphero Mini, Sphero 2.0, SPRK, SPRK+, and BOLT. Connect and control your robots with several exciting drive modes, ...

Sphero SPRK+

These are tools you will use to build mazes that your Sphero app-enabled robot can navigate, with your help!. SPRK+ not Holding a Charge. SPRK+'s battery ...

Sphero SPRK+: App

Through the Sphero Edu app, beginners can give SPRK+ commands by drawing a path for their robot to follow. Intermediate coders can use Scratch blocks to learn ...

使用Sphero SPRK+實現STEAM (繁體)

2018年12月10日 — SPRK +與Sphero Edu應用程序配合使用,提供了一個全面的學習平台,其中包含課程計劃,項目,活動和遊戲,年輕新一代可以學習如何通過實際應用程序進行編碼 ...


FreeCodingApps.SpheromakescodingappstocomplementSpherorobotsandDesign-and-BuildSTEAMKitsforkidsofallskilllevels.,SpheroEdu是您與Sphero機器人一起建立、分享和學習的中心。除了使用程式碼,您還可以透過獨特的STEAM活動完成機器人的各項設定。SpheroEdu是為各種不同程度的 ...,SpheroEduisyourhubtocreate,contribute,andlearnwithSpherorobots.GobeyondcodebyincorporatinguniqueSTEAMlessonstocompletewithyourbot.,...